We are passionate about the science of plant health care and its application to preserve the beauty and strength of our trees.
Our Board Certified Master Arborist provides comprehensive tree care services and property reviews with detailed cutting edge recommendations. We’re supported by a full complement of soil and plant analysis laboratories and pathologists, so if we don’t know the answer, we will find someone who does!
John Huddleston - owner and operator with over 20 years of experience.
I’ve dedicated my career to the care and study of trees after my home forest experienced the devastating impacts of the pine bark beetle epidemic. After waves of drought and invasive insects, I’ve made it my mission to help preserve what is left of our forest for future generations to enjoy.
Over the years, I’ve travelled the country working on different "Tree-mergencies.” I’ve taken on sweeping Sudden Oak Death in Northern California, forests of dead pines in Southern California, and emergency hurricane and tropical storm response in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Florida. We take on each new threat to our canopies with direct action.
I hold both “International Society of Arboriculture Board Certified Master Arborist”, and “American Society of Consulting Arborists Registered Consulting Arborist” credentials. I am Qualified Tree Risk Assessor, and I’m licensed by the State of California to apply pesticides in Landscapes, Forests, and Rights of Way.
Based in my hometown of IdylIwild, I live with my wife, two children, and three dogs. In my spare time, I enjoy working on the garden, and rigging temporary zip-lines for my friends and family to play on! I look forward to sharing my passion for trees with you!